Work at Height Safety & Rescue Training
The course aims to give the delegates the requisite competence to complete working at height safely.
By the end of the end of the session, the delegates should be able to:
- Understand the legal requirement for working at height safety
- Understand key risks of working at height
- Implement fall prevention and protection measures
- Understand what is suspension trauma and importance of recue at height
- Examples of work activities involving a risk of injury from falling from height, and the significance of such injuries
Basic hazards and factors affecting risk from working at height including:
- vertical distance
- fragile roofs
- deterioration of materials
- unprotected edges
- unstable/poorly maintained access equipment
- weather
- falling materials
- Methods of avoiding risk of working at height
- Main precautions necessary to prevent falls and falling materials, including proper planning and supervision of work, avoiding working in adverse weather conditions
- Provision of equipment, training, instruction and other measures to minimize distance and consequences of a fall
- Head protection
Safe working practices for common forms of access equipment:
- ladders
- stepladders
- scaffolds (independent tied and mobile tower)
- mobile elevating work platforms
- staging platforms and leading-edge protection systems
- Inspection of access equipment.
- Safety Harness: Practical Demonstration and Theoretical assessment.
Suspension Trauma
- What is suspension trauma
- Understanding Venous Pooling
- What to do in the event of a fall - Self-Care
- Other physical injuries
Understanding the need for "Work at Height Rescue"
- Factors affecting Rescue Procedure
- Different methodologies of rescue
- EWP-aided rescue
- Descent Rescue
- Use of Gotcha-kit for rescue
- Post rescue recovery
Understanding factors influencing rescue
- Possible risks of rescue
- Types of rescue equipment
- Influence of weather
- Need for preparation
- Q & A session
All Employees undertaking work at height
Lectures, Videos and Practical